Xuanwu Stone
‘Xuanwu’ in the early time means a turtle, then---- a combination of turtle and snake. In traditional Chinese culture ‘Xuanwu’ occupies one of four quadrants, also is a general name of seven from 28 symbols. Now ‘Xuanwu Stone’ is basalt, a kind of volcanic rocks, which was formed during lava flowing and characterized with diversified figurative forms.
玄武词意指龟蛇组合的一种灵物,最早是指乌龟,又是中国传统文化的四象之一,在二十八宿,是北方七宿(斗、牛、牛、虚、危、室、壁)的总称。 玄武岩是一种火山喷发的岩石,它是在地表流动过程中会形成各种造型的玄武岩。